Thursday, 9 February 2012

EllaM - Question 2 Part 2


The Chemical Bothers DiGiPack uses wacky images, squares and coloures. This is where we got the inspiration to make our coloured photo grid from. 
Alike our pictures these small images will most likely relate to the song tracks on the album and the band it self. I think they have decided to use this effect on their front cover because it represents their genre, electronic. Which is similar to the genre of House Rulez. 
Also the font that is used is interesting because at a glance it doesn't look english, it looks quite Arabic. Which is contrasting to their style of music.   
If you take of the stickers I wouldn't have known who they band were, unless you are a fan of The Chemical Brothers you wouldn't be able to recognise it. Perhaps this makes it exclusive to that particular genre. I Do think that the cover is eye catching and is very youthful because of the different colours and images used. 
Overall I think this DIGIPAK appeals to its target audience for the front cover is interesting, first impressions without knowing the band I would buy this album. This is becuase it appeals to there young target audience with the use of colour and imagery. 

 Although their website doesn't seem to interrelate to the CD, for there is not a variety of colours used compared to the CD. The image that my eyes are drawn to is the advertisement. Although the intagration of new media is successful; news feeds, message boards, social network links etc. These all appeal to the young age and concequently to their target audience. 

This DiGiPack is Daft Punk!
I think this pack is appropriate to the genre for although its simple, its eye catching. The rainbow colours under the lettering give it a little edge instead of the cover just being silver on black. This pack has the appearance of 'Cool'.
I think the effect of this DiGiPack is simple, but that is what makes it look affect I think. 
The font of this cover looks like it has just been splattered on there and some how made the words 'Daft Punk'. I think it is a very unique front after looking at the other CD covers. At the beginning of our planning process for our Cd we took inspiration from Daft Punk for we thought that this was a good effect and we were going to use illuminus paint to achieve this effect ourselves. My group discussed that was would have a black background and paint on out title.
This CD cover isn't overly attractive, I think this could to due to Daft Punk already having an established target audience, they don't need to go all out with bright colours. Simple and effect!

This is the opening of the Daft Punk website, it is of similar style to there CD cover although the font is in red. This makes it look a lot more harsh and I feel that it doesn't support their genre of electronic music. Although their full website may be different but I cannot access it. 


Below are some example of feedback that we received from some people we asked to watch and evaluate our music video. After receiving the feedback we found that there were a few issues with our music video; one issue was that we didn’t have enough variety of dance moves, it was a little repetitive. Watching the our music video back I can understand where they are coming from, for we could of created more dance moves so there was less repetition. Although this would have been a little difficult for we were creating a storyline alongside the dancing, we didn’t want too much to be going on and confuse our audience.  

Another issue raised was amount of effects we used (disco light effects), potentially there could have been less but we wanted to make sure that our music video fitted to our dance genre. If we were to do it all again we would take this into account and use less. For after all our audience is who we are making it for. 

 The last issue was the length of our last section. It involved one of our actors dancing seductively down the camera, this was the section in the song where it dropped in tempo and slowed down. Our audience thought that we could have cut it down because the lengths of these shots were too long. Looking back we can see how we could of cut this section down and still being over the three minute minimum for the music video. We have taken all the feedback into account and we now know where we made mistakes.    

Positive feedback that we received was on our narrative, for it is difficult to make a comical story line, but we managed to achieve this. which we are proud of ourselves for. Also people like the fact that we didn't follow the crowd and make an Indie video, they liked the fact we challenged ourselves and created a fast beat music video. 

After taking all the feedback into account we can see were our problems occurred and we now know where we made mistakes. If we were to be involved in a project  similar to this again we would know how to improve our previous mistakes.   

Our feedback sheets:

Here is our audience responses in Wordle, these are key words that have been repeatedly mentioned throughout our feedback:

Annalise-New design

Hi guys hope you've enjoyed what I've done to our blog :D
I decided to use the boombox image as an background image because the boombox is one of the main themes though out our music video.

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Annalise-Evaluation Question Three!

Overall our feedback was all the same.
There were three main points that our audience told us that we needed to look at these were...

  1. variation of shots
  2. colour flashes
  3. legnth of the last section 

From all these issued raised we saw that that we could have had more shots of the dancers doing different dance moves because people said in the feedback that it got bit too repetitive,but there was a problem due to use having narrative in our music video it was hard to have different dance moves as we didn't want our views to get lost watching the music video.
Also people told us that we used to many colour flashes but we did this because we wanted many because this was to do with our theme going though out our music video. After watching the music video I saw that we could of done with less flashing lights.
Then the last problem was that was the length of our last section with the green screen.It would of been better but we couldn't get all of our actresses for this part it would of been better if we used more than one because it did get a bit boring.