Monday, 31 October 2011

location location location GYM By BOTH Ella's and Annalise

These are some pictures taken from Spritzer Dance Company's website (Which EllaM attends)
we weren't able to take pictures last 
Thursday because there was a class in there :( 
There will be better pictures to follow, without people in them!

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Ella Berrisford - A2 ADVANCED PORTFOLIO -

Image and genre –
Our artist uses a few different techniques to identify themselves in their music videos, some of these are:
     - Bright colours
-          A lot of performance
-          Green screen effects
-          Weird imagery
-          Fast moving frames
They are the dance/ pop/ electro genre, depending on the song they focus in more on one of the genres. Our particular song is more aimed at the dance genre. They are a Chinese band, so they do differ from a lot of English bands; their music videos are more surreal and use less real people and more animation.
Our artist from the research we have done, doesn’t seem to have been around particularly long. So they have just been establishing their image through the music videos so far, using similar techniques to build associations.
Some generic conventions have been used, such as:
-          performance with instruments
-          close ups of band members
-          fast pace editing
-          bright catchy CD cover
The film style has stayed the same, probably due to the short time the band has been together.

Visual style and image –
House rulez use a lot of bright colours and big letters in their mise –en- scene to identify them. They don’t appear to use natural backgrounds they are always in some form of virtual environment or recording studio.
Our artist always seem to be dressed smartly but quirky which fits in with their image on screen, they do have the contrasting element of the background though as this is very much in your face and bright, while they dress in dark colours and smart.
The camera and editing styles are short and fast fitting with the typical conventions of a music video.  Close ups of the instruments and band members are frequent as are contrasting long shots, all the jucsterpositions add to their quirky image.

Synergy and Marketing –
The artist maintains their image through different media by:
-          always being pictured in similar outfits
-          crazy backgrounds and fonts
-          bright colours
-          contrasting elements
They use all of these on their website, CD covers and in their existing music videos.
The CD covers contribute by keeping an element of mystery about them, on the majority of their covers they just use the bright colour and fonts. They don’t tend to have themselves on the cover. If they do they are in a strange position and are wearing clothes that contrast with the rest of the cover. Keeping the audience wondering what they are about.
The artist uses a range of different synergies to promote themselves, some of these are:
-          social networking
-          official website  
-          Videos are featured on you tube.
The use of social networks is a relatively new media they use to encourage their fans to be more involved with them as they can leave posts and suggestions giving them a feeling of being more involved and close to the band.

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Location xD

We have found our perfect location for our music video WHOOP!!! 
It's a dance studio in town (Nottingham) called FitSpace, we are aloud to film in there as long as we book. WHICH WE WILL BE DOING!!!

We're going to take photos of the room on Thursday, I already know what the layout of the room is like for I dance there.
RECEE SHEET COMPLETE!!!! (bar the photos)

Although if for some reason this location doesn't work out we do have others to check out too.


Thursday, 20 October 2011

by Annalise

Our arties mostly maintain their image by bright colours on their CD covers or images or the three on the front of the CD covers where they are looking all mysterious with then against and white background. This the bright colours this relate to their music in the way that the music if fast beat and electronic  because if you look at a lot of club song album covers are brightly coloured. Then when you go on to the other images of the whole band group with the white background and them all placed perfectly in front of the camera giving that look that “mysterious look” to make them look like all the boy bands for example the N Sync look .Well our artist has many or their own songs on YouTube to get out there so more people can hear then and get to know them and become an fan they also have an MySpace account but I am appalled by their MySpace because it only has two videos on it!  

By Annalise

 The typical visual elements of the Mise-en-scene signify my artist is that all three of them or just one of them are on stay performing in sophisticated clothing and one playing an instrument, an saxophone

My artist edit their video’s so that there are fast shouts of them moving thought the city showing that they are on their way to somewhere but where? Also with the fast shots of them moving these shots are edited so that when a shot changers it changers into black and white to colour and back and forth. There is another video with bright colours with the group dancing in front of different back grounds with fast changing shots there are lips moving in this video this an idea we have for our video as well there are some words that flash on the screen mostly ‘don’t stop’ It funny our artist music video doesn’t relate to any other film TV program etc this could be due to it not being made in the UK or the USA.

By AnnaliseMedia Artist Research Assignment

The artist that we have chosen to do our project on is House Rulez by High School Disco it’s by a Chinese or Japanese group of three guys. They use bright colours on fast shots that turns from black and white to colour there are imagers of them in the club’s There are also mid shots of the artist in the video  one of them playing an saxophone oh and a girl with not so much clothing just like we are going to have in our music video.
I see them as electrical dance music but from watching and listening to their older tracks I can conclude that there music was more dance with a tad bit of soul mixed I think this may be cause there have become more mainstream in the way that they have started producing music that people are use to listening to so that more people will listen to their music but over all their music has always had a fast beat to it. In the videos I have found on Google I see that they have gone for the club look in their video with a sexy girl next to them whilst there on stage showing that they should have all the attention because this is there song and time to shine. [On here there are similar artist]

Monday, 17 October 2011

EllaM's Artist Research :D

Our chosen artist is House Rulez, a three-man electro group from Korea.

Image and Genre:

Unfortunately this band isn't very well known and I could only find one music video with them physically in it  titled 'Do It!'. In this video the three men have each got a distinct look, one wears a black tuxedo with a red shirt and a black top hat. The other, wears a black shirt and trousers with a red cumber-band and finally the last male is in similar dress but has red braces instead of the band. All of their outfits tie in together but they each show their individuality.

As mentioned the genre of this band is electo but its also ranges from jazz to R&B, which shows they are experimental with their music and aren't afraid to make music outside of their main genre.

For there is one one music video with all three group members in I cannot compare and contrast their old look to now. House Rulez have only been releasing songs for about three years and haven't had many professional music videos showcasing their songs. But here is a video of House Rulez performing their song 'Music' live at an event. You can see here that their costumes are again similar with each others but have their own individual look again.

Visual Style and Image

Again I have limited knowledge on this area of the band for there are no music video for their songs, but they use the saxophone in their music and that is shown to be played by one of the group members, one both stage and in the one music video I could find!
 Each have the same coloured Incorporated into their outfits, but each is different, they each have their own style.

Synergy and Marketing

Album number one

Number two

 Number three

The three albums House Rulez have released they all have different themes for each, its almost like their music. These album covers show us that our artist is very deserve and the reasons for the chosen images on the front covers reflect the music that they have made for that particular album.

Their first album seems 'cool' and the songs reflect that, whereas the album number three is in the opposite direction. This doesn't seem like an album cover for an electo band, does it? Maybe this is the reason they chose to have such an unattractive front cover, who knows!

Monday, 10 October 2011

EllaM - Pictures of House Rulez

Here are some images of House Rulez, the band we have decided to make a music video for. 

Thursday, 6 October 2011


Our Amazing pitch!

Today we stepped forth and did our pitch woop.
We felt that our pitch went well but we could of
have been  more clear on our music video ideas but we  were able to portray our ideas to our group. 
But we were original in the way that we presented our powerpoint for we were in costume and make our own boombox that we walked in this, playing our chosen song :)
The feedback we received from the rest of the groups will help us make our music video into an even better parody of 'Call On Me'! We have taken on board the idea of having the mirrors in the dance studio  as trick mirrors. When looking into them the person is younger and better looking than their original self. So when they exit the class the dancers are ugly and geek like. Also we need to exaggerate every movement the dancers make to make it more comical This will make it more of a parody instead of a rubbish one!!!!