Monday, 17 October 2011

EllaM's Artist Research :D

Our chosen artist is House Rulez, a three-man electro group from Korea.

Image and Genre:

Unfortunately this band isn't very well known and I could only find one music video with them physically in it  titled 'Do It!'. In this video the three men have each got a distinct look, one wears a black tuxedo with a red shirt and a black top hat. The other, wears a black shirt and trousers with a red cumber-band and finally the last male is in similar dress but has red braces instead of the band. All of their outfits tie in together but they each show their individuality.

As mentioned the genre of this band is electo but its also ranges from jazz to R&B, which shows they are experimental with their music and aren't afraid to make music outside of their main genre.

For there is one one music video with all three group members in I cannot compare and contrast their old look to now. House Rulez have only been releasing songs for about three years and haven't had many professional music videos showcasing their songs. But here is a video of House Rulez performing their song 'Music' live at an event. You can see here that their costumes are again similar with each others but have their own individual look again.

Visual Style and Image

Again I have limited knowledge on this area of the band for there are no music video for their songs, but they use the saxophone in their music and that is shown to be played by one of the group members, one both stage and in the one music video I could find!
 Each have the same coloured Incorporated into their outfits, but each is different, they each have their own style.

Synergy and Marketing

Album number one

Number two

 Number three

The three albums House Rulez have released they all have different themes for each, its almost like their music. These album covers show us that our artist is very deserve and the reasons for the chosen images on the front covers reflect the music that they have made for that particular album.

Their first album seems 'cool' and the songs reflect that, whereas the album number three is in the opposite direction. This doesn't seem like an album cover for an electo band, does it? Maybe this is the reason they chose to have such an unattractive front cover, who knows!

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