This DiGiPack is Daft Punk!
I think this pack is appropriate to the genre for although its simple, its eye catching. The rainbow colours under the lettering give it a little edge in stead of the cover just being silver on black. This pack has the appearance of 'Cool'.
I think the meaning/effect of this DiGiPack is simple, this could mean its traditional dance music but because of the hint of colour it could show there's something a little more to there music.
The font on this cover looks like it has just been splattered on there and some how made the words 'Daft Punk'. I think it is a very unique front after looking at the other CD covers I took pictures of. My group discussed that was would have a black background and paint on out title, this was before I took this picture...weird!
This CD cover isn't overly tyring to attract an audience, for DP have been around a long time and their audience is already established, they don't need to go all out with bright colours. Simple and effect!
This DiGiPack on the other hand is a lot different from the Daft Punk cover, firstly we have a photograph on the artist looking casual up against a red wall!
The red used for the whole pack is striking, you wouldn't miss it on the shelf. The font compared to DP's is much more styled, the A's look like upside down V's and the T's are joined together, a very iconic style because you now when you see that font its David Guetta. To me it almost looks futuristic, perhaps that suggests something about his music?
The layout of the cover is again simple with white lettering which contrasts with the red.
The best bit for me is David's awkward position...hope he didn't have to stay there that long :p
'I'm too cool for school' is what this album says to me, but is it?
Calvin Harris!!!! I love this DiGiPack I definitely think this is an appropriate pack for his genre for it appeals to this target audience and has a iconic image that everyone knows him for...Bee Glasses. Only this time he has a beautiful woman wearing them instead of himself. Which could suggest that he id maybe trying to appeal more to the male population with this album.
The picture is what the DiGiPack is about if you see this image you know who it is! That's why he only needs a small column on the side to write his name and the album title. I think this sells Calvin as an progressing artist for as mentioned on this first album cover he wore the glasses, but now they designed differently and they look a lot better, they are more feminine. It reminds me little of Lady GaGa's front cover.The Chemical Bothers DiGiPack is a lot different from the others for its all wacky images, squares and coloures!!
Although I do this the little image will relate to their album tracks or have a deeper meaning.
If you take of the stickers I wouldn't have known who they band was, unless you are a fan of TCB you wouldn't be able to recognise it. Do think this that the cover is eye catching but I'm not sure it would draw me to but it for I don't really like the Chemical Brothers.
Overall I think often I doesn't matter what the CD cover looks like for me because if I like their songs I will buy there album, even though the DiGiPacks are nice to look at!
EllaM xD
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