Tuesday, 7 February 2012

EllaM - Question 2

Throughout our campaign we decided to stick to four colours; blue, pink, purple and light blue. This was because we wanted to keep a running theme from our CD cover to our website. Although we have two website designs the one I created (the same as the CD cover) applies to our running theme.  Adding to the theme we maintained the same font throughout, Tron. We found the font on a web site called 'dafont' (http://www.dafont.com/). This made our DOIGIPAK interrelated because we kept the style continuous and it was relevant to our audience, its young and vibrant. For example the inside of out CD cover in set out in a picture grid, these pictures were edited in Photoshop, are specific moments or relevant equipment  in our video. Also we used colour flashes throughout our music video which are of similar colours to what we have on our website and CD cover. The boombox that is featured in both the music video and CD is iconic for we made it ourselves and make it well represented in both.

 This is our chosen font from "Dafont". 

We edited the original book box in Photoshop because the cardboard wouldn't have suited with the rest of the bright colours. 

These are the lips in the video that sing: "Up and Down", "Shack it, Shack it" and "Just Like Me".

These images above are from the the picture grid inside our CD. Again it can be seen that bright colours are a major theme not just through our DIGIPAK but our music video too, they are all relevant to each other.

During the process of making our website we created one as a group and then I made a second that I felt related to our CD more. As you can see from the images above and below that they are of similar style, for the black and white background is the same on each and the font and colour of it is also the same. Unlike the web design we created together, it is more techno style and edgy than the one I created, although this is the design that we submitted we felt that our second design interrelated better.

This is our First website design:

This is our second website design:

We feel that our CD cover, website and music video all interrelate for there is a colour theme running throughout and we address our target audience constantly for they are the ones we need to impress. Our target audience is young people and our song applies to them that's why we have to create a Cd and website to match. With the new media used on the website we are applying more to our digital age, which young people know all about.

 Also because we were aiming at a young audience we needed young actors, this would mean our audience could relate to our video more and consequently enjoy it because it is make with them in mind. By using colour and effects it keeps our video from being 'boring' and uninteresting which hopefully applies to the younger generation because we can easily loose focus and patience

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