On the red Web page the white boxes are where I have placed hyperlinks to other websites such as our artists official website and because you can buy our artist music online at HMV like many other bands/artists I have placed an hyperlink to an website that you can percuss there album's online.
Also on my webpae there is an hyperlink to an live performances of our artist on youtube this is great becuase when using place's such as youtube at the side it gives you an option stating that if you like this video you may like this one this helps our artist become more popular and world known.I have also got hyperlinks to t-shirts etc and tour dates and as we know right know gigs are how bands and artist are making there money.Also due to today modern teens and 20 to 30's they are always on social networking sites so I have also placed hyper links on the webpage to social networks such as myspace,twitter and facebook this is another top way of gaining popularity. Also if you look at the CD and the webpage that Ella M made you can that if our target audience was to take a look at the webpage they would be able to pick out the Cd because it has the same theme as the CD cover. If they were to also look at our music video you can see that on the inside of the CD cover that are images of one of our actresses in our music video also the images are very colourful this links in with the flashing colours in our music video.
Here is the inside and outside of our CD cover as you can see it goes well with conventional dance/pop/eletro music CD covers.These two covers themes go well with the webpage that Ella B made because of the paint like effect they have on them.We all came togther in the making of the inside of the CD wherewe have lot's of different images ioned together but Ella B did the rest of the CD covers. I think that if our CD inside and outside was to be placed in an music sellings shop such as HMV it would be bourght up in a snape because it is eye catching and fit's the genre of what we are aimig for. Even though my red Webpage is not the same as the CD cover they both link in with our music video becuase they are colourful and colours are also the theme though out our music video this is an conventiona theme for an danc/eletro/pop music video such as ours also red is an main colour in pur flashing lights in our video.
The theme of our music video we an gym class becuse of the fact beat of the song and the lyrics...
Down below are also some print screams of how we used flashing light effects in imovie from edits to help with the our music video comventional theme as well that goes with our CD cover but not really with our outside of our CD cover because it has the paint them on it and there is no real paint theme though out our music video.
Another theme thought out our music video we the homemade boombox in our music video , and the wobbling glass that showed how load the music was. We showed clips of these two objects thought out our music vdeo. An intreasting fact about our boombox is that we got the idea for it from the call on me video we I showed you in Question one!
All of the above, the flashing lights with the bright colours and the colourful editing helps us grab the attention of our target audience because it relates toflashing lights at clubs and this is a place in which our song would be played where there are flashing lights that relate to our music video.
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